Thursday, January 28, 2010

DotA Allstars 6.66b

Choose from 95 unique heroes in an epic battle to defend the Ancients.

Modes: -ap, -ar, -rd, -sd, -cm, -dm, -cd, -lm, -xl, -mm, -tr, -vr, -rv, -mr, -du, -sp, -sh, -aa, -ai, -as, -id, -em, -sc, -np, -om, -nt, -nm, -nb, -ns, -nr, -ts, -pm, -oi, -mi, -mo, -ro, -er

-Major exploit fixes,
-Bounty Hunter now no longer requires two separate attacks to trigger his new passive,
-Nerfed Doom Bringer (Reduced movement speed and armor, also Scorched Earth cooldown),
-Divine Rapier rules are now adjusted to prevent abuse.
-A vote is required for -unlock command now.
-15 seconds are given for players to look at the heroes in -CM mode.
-Control on/off commands are renamed to -disableselection (-ds) and -enableselection (-es)

For more information,view the changelog here!

Thank you for viewing!

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